Exposing ssh port in dockerized gitlab-ce
2017-03-19 18:40
One problem of running a dockerized gitlab instance is that the gitlab instance would need an ssh server. If we follow the best practice of docker, we should not run into this problem, but since the gitlab-ce service would heavily rely on the ssh service, it is common practice to bundle the ssh server in the container. Thus, a problem natually arise as to what is the best way to expose this internal ssh port without affecting the existing ssh port on the host server.
There are some discussion online, we have several ways to fix this problem, either by:
- Configure the host ssh server to use another port, so we could use 22 to connect to gitlab.
- Just map port 22 in the container to another port on the host server and change
. - Setup docker to use a specific IP and use NAT/iptables to selectively forward traffic to the container.
But personally, I like neither of them. I would like to have a setup that:
- Normal user on the host server can connect to this server normally using port 22.
- Git user would connect to the container.
- Do not use ipables, since potentially it can cause confusions.
I happened to come across a blog post here, in which someone created a git user on the host system and used a bash script to handle the connection to the container. But that article worked for gogs. For gitlab-ce, we need some modifications.
Before we start, I have a gitlab instance running on my system. The docker-compose.yml looks like this:
image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:8.17.3-ce.0
container_name: gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/etc:/etc/gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/log:/var/log/gitlab
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
sigpending: 62793
nproc: 131072
nofile: 60000
core: 0
- "9922:22"
- ""
- ""
And here’s what we want to achieve:
- The user connect to the ssh port of the host server, using the git user.
- SSH correctly authenticates the user, let him/her in, and run some script.
- In the script, we initialize another ssh connection to the container using port 9922, forward the authentication information.
- The sshd in the container correctly handles the request.
Git user setup on the host server
First, as it has already been stated in the gogs blog post, we need a git user on the host server. Before jumping in and create a user, please start the gitlab container and find the user id and group id of the git user in the container. Currently, both the UID and GID are hardcoded to 998. But this could change in a future release. For this purpose, we could run:
docker exec -it gitlab cat /etc/passwd | awk -F':' '{if($1=="git") printf("uid: %s; gid: %s\n"), $3, $4}'
This will give out the uid and the gid of the git user. You can check whether these IDs has already been used on your host, if not, it is best to re-use these IDs:
groupadd -g 998 git
useradd -m -u 998 -g git -s /bin/sh -d /home/git git
In this way, you would not experience any file permission issues at all.
Secondly, this git user need to share the .ssh
directory with the container. Since I’ve already got that directory in my data volumes, I just need to link it here:
su - git
ln -s /data/var/lib/gitlab/data/.ssh /home/git/.ssh
Secondly, this git user would need to ssh to the container. Let’s create a key pair using ssh-kegen
su - git
cd .ssh && mv id_rsa.pub authorized_keys_proxy
This authorized_keys_proxy
file will later be mounted into the container.
Other setups on the host server
If you look into the authorized_keys
file. You’ll notice that we have a command here:
[git@gitlab .ssh]$ head -n 2 authorized_keys
# Managed by gitlab-shell
command="/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell key-3",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3N
This command obviously does not exist on the host system, and we need to create a script that will forward all ssh connection to the container. To be more specific, we need to create the directory(/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/
) and create a file named gitlab-shell
in this directory with the following content:
ssh -i /home/git/.ssh/id_rsa -p 9922 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no git@ "SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=\"$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" $0 $@"
I’ve used my exposed port here and you might need to change this to fit your environment. After that, don’t forget to chmod +x
this file.
But actually, how was the authentication information passed to the sshd in the container? If you add more debug information to the above script, you’ll find that:
$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=git-upload-pack 'somegroup/somerepo.git'
So, the real authentication(key-3) was determined when the user connects to the sshd on the host server, and when we connect to the container, we are not using the ssh key on the user’s computer, so ssh key forward on the client’s side is not required and not used here.
Mounting extra volume
We cannot put the content of the authorized_keys_proxy
into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
file, since that file is managed by gitlab-shell
, and a key rebuild would destroy everything in the authorized_keys
file. So we need to add another authorized_keys
file location in the sshd_config file in the container. Luckily, around half a year ago, someone added this to the sshd_config file used by the sshd in the container, and it was later renamed to /gitlab-data/ssh/authorized_keys
. Since this /gitlab-data/
directory was not used in our container, we can just mount our proxy file to that location:
image: gitlab/gitlab-ce:8.17.3-ce.0
container_name: gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/etc:/etc/gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab
- /data/var/lib/gitlab/log:/var/log/gitlab
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys_proxy:/gitlab-data/ssh/authorized_keys
sigpending: 62793
nproc: 131072
nofile: 60000
core: 0
- "9922:22"
- ""
- ""
you can restart your docker container to test this whole setup now.
Extra setup if your uid/gid is used on the host server.
I’m not going to give any specific code here, but it is still possible to work out. You need to:
- Dump out the passwd file and group file in the container.
- Change the user/group information in those two files.
- Fix all the files/directories that were owned by uid/gid 998.
- Mount 2 extra files(passwd/group) so the container could pick up the right user/permission.